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Masuk Daftar

contoh kalimat bagian depan

"bagian depan" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • We have been at the front for a year.
    Kami telah di bagian depan selama setahun.
  • Was the helmet scratched at the front or back?
    Helmnya tergores di bagian depan atau belakang?
  • Forward ballast tanks are damaged, sir!
    Aku butuh propulsi! Tangki ballast bagian depan mengalami kerusakan, tuan!
  • The forward crew must abandon their positions.
    Para awal di bagian depan harus meninggalkan posisi mereka.
  • Son, there is no front of the plane anymore.
    Nak, tak ada lagi bagian depan pesawat.
  • Your faces plastered on the front of every magazine.
    Wajahmu terpampang di bagian depan setiap majalah.
  • I mean, I'd rather they covered the front.
    Maksudku, aku lebih suka mereka menjaga bagian depan.
  • The driver's side door of Lahey's car was pried off.
    Pintu bagian depan mobil dibongkar paksa.
  • There are four British battleships in the front.
    terdapat empat kapal perang Inggris di bagian depan.
  • I hear it's pretty big in the front section.
    Kudengar itu cukup besar di bagian depan.
  • The front and the tail suppose to work together.
    Bagian depan dan belakang seharusnya bekerja bersama-sama.
  • 'Only the very front section of the house remains.'
    'Hanya bagian depan rumahnya yang tetap dibiarkan.'
  • You want to take the front of the ship off?
    Kau ingin membuang bagian depan kapalnya?
  • You take the back, I'll take the front.
    Kau urus bagian belakang, Akan kuurus bagian depan.
  • We need an extra cashier to the front, please.
    Petugas kasir tambahan harap ke bagian depan.
  • Soon after, flames erupted in the aircraft's front section.
    Kemudian, api menyala di bagian depan pesawat.
  • Let women and children through to the front.
    Dan tuan-tuan, ijinkan wanita dan anak-anak menuju bagian depan.
  • This symbol on the front, what does it mean?
    Simbol pada bagian depan, apa artinya?
  • The front is for people who don't have dates.
    Bagian depan untuk orang-orang yang tidak memiliki tanggal.
  • I'm goin' back to the front of the plane.
    Aku kembali ke bagian depan pesawat.
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